Gen Zers can recognize brands based solely on ‘sonic memes,’. The importance of sonic branding.

Gen Zers can recognize brands based solely on ‘sonic memes,’. The importance of sonic branding.

Sonic branding should be a key part of your Marketing plan. It is incredibly impactful. You are missing a big opportunity if you are ignoring the full potential of audio to make an impression with your brand. We can help your audience listen.

Here are some key takeaways from the article below:

The Impact of Sound on Brand Recognition among Gen Zers
1. Sound can help brand recognition among Gen Zers:
- Some Gen Zers can name a brand based on sound alone, according to a report from sonic branding agency amp.
- While sound won't make or break a brand, it can certainly help with recognition.
2. Sound on TikTok can drive brand recognition:
- Brands have embraced sound on TikTok to stand out, with viral brand sounds becoming sonic memes.
- 81% of Gen Zers recognized viral or meme sounds, compared to 41% for non-meme sounds.
3. Gen Zers can associate meme sounds with brands:
- 75 Gen Zers were able to recognize the brand associated with meme sounds 54% of the time.
- 25% were able to do the same with non-meme sounds.
4. Sonic branding scores and Gen Z's favorite brands:
- Gen Z's favorite brands don't necessarily have the highest sonic branding scores.
- Nintendo has the highest sonic score among Gen Z's favorite brands, followed by PlayStation, Capri-Sun, Sephora, and KitKat.
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